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Immigration and Refugees

The Immigrant Learning Center in Boston has a huge amount of resources available to help us mitigate the trauma of immigration, and in some cases, deportation. Working-age males are the most deported demographic, often leaving their female partners to support children, our students, on their own. The ILC webinars are very informative, helpful, and easy to access. If you have immigrants in your school, they are well worth the time.


Immigrant Learning Center – a wealth of resources, for education, legal issues, mental health. Great webinars

Refugees and Immigrants in Schools

Books to Help Kids Understand What It’s Like to Be a Refugee

Children’s Books Exploring the Refugee Crisis

Vivir en los Estados Unidos: Una Guía para los Jóvenes Inmigrantes – para jóvenes y sus padres sobre opciones para el future

Mental Health

Trauma and the Adult English Language Learner – information on adult issues (parents) on trauma, abuse and implications on practice

Bridging Refugee Youth and Children’s Services – information hub for empowering immigrant children and their families


Immi – easy to use legal information, flow charts, know-your-rights cards

ACLU – Know Your Rights page – many tools & resources

Immigration Law – helping low-income immigrants find legal help